Donnerstag, 28. Oktober 2010

Fireside for Snow Leopard?

A version of the Fireside screensaver has not yet been released for Snow Leopard. The reason is that under Snow Leopard,the QTMovie seems to trigger some events that make the screensaver go away immediately. This does not happen under 10.5. It will take some time to figure out how to reliably circumvent this behavior and catch all of these events to keep the screensaver running until the user wants to terminate it. Feedback on this topic is most welcome!

RevThatBike 2.1 released

Just released on the Android market: Version 2.1 of RevThatBike for Android 2.1 und later.
New in Version 2.1:
- Engine remains revved when the phone remains tilted
- Switch gears by moving the left part of the phone up/down
- Tires screech in 1st/2nd gear when revving quickly

Freitag, 16. April 2010

RevThatBike 1.0 released

Just released - an android app for reving a motorbike. Available for download in the android market.

Samstag, 9. Januar 2010

Website online and Fireside 1.0 released

The website is online! As a first software release, the screensaver Fireside 1.0 is available for Mac OS X, which provides 4 different firesides. Please check back later as more content will become available.